Stroud Shambles Outdoor Market
Type of market
Outdoor General RetailMarket days
Friday | Saturday
Market Times feature
Market operator
Stroud District CouncilKen Stevens
Market Manager
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01453 884 320
Mobile: 07515 392 958
Type of stalls
Mix of trader owned / operator erectedRent
Please contact operator for detailsCasuals
NoRefuse collection
NoVehicle access
YesService charge
NoBusiness Listings
Vintage Mary
Market Days
Facebook: VintageMaryStroudInstagram: vintagemarystroud
Market Description
Vintage haberdashery, tea sets, china, glass, cutlery, linen, utensils, furniture, mirrors, and other household items.Global Organics
Market Days
Friday | SaturdaySocials
Facebook: GlobalOrganicShamblesMarketMarket Description
A family business selling fresh, organic produce to both wholesale and the retail market.Golden Sheep Coffee
Market Days
Friday | SaturdayWebsite
Facebook: @goldensheepcoffeeInstagram: #goldensheepcoffee
Linkedin: @goldensheepcoffee
Market Description
A local Coffee Roaster from Stroud. All our coffee is ethically sourced speciality beans, making sure you get the very best tasting coffee you can. 01453 821776.Vintage Mary
Market Days
Facebook: Vintage Mary StroudInstagram: Vintage Mary Stroud